Kirjaboek: | My Heaven on Earth | Miek Olsthoorn-van Rest
My Heaven on Earth

My Heaven on Earth

Miek Olsthoorn van Rest
Prijs: €19,54
ISBN 9789460080579
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My Heaven on Earth is the story of a woman who, shaped from a solid Roman Catholic family, put into practice the rules of the Church in a stricter way than the pope himself does. Through that, she comes into conflict with herself and calls on the aid of a Franciscan priest. They fall in love and eventually they get married. At the same time, this is the beginning of a long and laborious process of letting herself go from her faith. The process is aggravated when the woman comes in touch with feminism, by way of a Reading Theology Course at the Amsterdam Theological University. The struggle with faith makes way for rage and disbelief.

What makes this book so gripping above all, are the descriptions of the experiences and emotions in the family. The members of it can scarcely keep up with the woman's pace. Repeatedly she holds forth moving discussions with her patriarchal husband Nico and the similar discussions with her son Dirk. He too displays macho attributes, which the author reproduces from very searching and penetrating diary notes. Her daughter Hester (having Down syndrome) portrays in the story her own, but none the less an important part.
(Written by Dirk)

Professor in one of the Amsterdam universities, july 2009:
'You wrote a magnificant book, you really did! You did it very well. Is this book available in any bookshop?'
Me: 'Yes, it is. You only need the ISBN of the book to order it. You can also order it via my editor's website.'
Professor: 'All right! I wish that much more people read your book. It gives the reader philosophy of life. I myself have learnt a lot of you. I admire you for that!'

ISBN: 9789460080579
blz.: 220
formaat: paperback, 16 x 24 cm

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Mijn hemel op aarde
Verhaal van een vrouw die, gevormd vanuit een degelijk rooms-katholiek gezin, de regels van de kerk strenger toepast dan de paus zelf.